There would be no greater violence than an assassination attempt on our Savior when he was but a young boy. Fleeing to Egypt along the Nile River to escape the fierce sword of Herod came Mary and Joseph with the Son of God. More than three decades before his prophesied death, the anger of a jealous King would send the holy family to Upper Egypt looking for assyluum. For most likely two years they would keep Jesus in hiding in this land of the Pharaohs, before finally returning to Nazareth to live out his childhood.
The work of God in Egypt is progressing, but needs the prayers and support of those who can aid this great ministry. Pastor Botros has a part in overseeing more than 4 dozen Baptist churches within the Biblical Baptist Church based out of Alexandria. The pastors he has trained or ordained are scattered throughout Cairo, Alexandria, and Upper Egypt. Pray for this needy land that afforded Jesus a place of safety when he was just a child. Pray that as the Christ child found a place of security in this north African land when he was threatened with violence, so today might he find a place in the hearts of Egyptians where the Word of God is being preached. There are more than 90 million Arab-speaking people in this muslim-dominated country that need to find Christ. The gospel still works in the lives of those who will receive Christ. We must reach them while we can.
It was this land of refuge that I would come in October of 2016 to help conduct a three-day crusade with my friend, Pastor Botros Faltaos. It was a joy to be with Pastor John Wilkerson and Deacon Wayne Shaeffer of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. Each night at the revival just south of El-Minya there was a great crowd ranging from 1100-1400 people. Scores of souls came to Christ as there was an English and Arabic service each evening with great music preceding the preaching. The services were aired on the Arabic TV stations called, "The Way". The last two evening we had a youth service in conjunction with the adult program. During this time, many young people accepted Christ as their Savior.
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