Was I in for an experience I should never forget!
25 Days of Indescribable Sites
In these 25 days I was able to see sights I only imagine to ever fix my eyes upon. Th
e Wall in Damascus where supposedly Saul of Tarsus was lowered in a basket, the house of Ananias, the Street Straight, the city of Byblos (oldest inhabited city in the world), a Roman Amphitheater, a Temple built for Hercules, and a church established by famous missionary William Carey, were but a few of the unbelievable places we visited.
25 Days of Inspirational Servants
In 25 days I was able to meet some incredible servants of God. We fellowshipped with one pastor of a Baptist church in Sidon, Lebanon, Dr. Pierre Francis. He was saved as a young man in his home town. His father was one of the first converts in this region of the country back in the 1950's. The church that Pastor Francis leads, Evangelical Baptist Church, was completely destroyed by Israeli/Palestinian fighting in the mid-80's. For seven long years, the members and the pastor fled their homes and lived as refugees. In 1992, they returned and began to rebuild their lives, homes, and their church.
In Beruit, we had the opportunity to preach in several churches and ministries. One of these ministries was the BLESSED Home in Achrafieh. It is a place established in 1868 for the evangelism a
nd benevolence of the Blind and Special Needs Children. While at this wonderful Christian home, we met a Mr. Mkhayel Haddad. He lost sight in both eyes, and his entire right hand was blown off in 1948 when as an eight year old boy he picked up a live grenade. As result of this tragedy, he was brought to the Blessed home, where later he was saved, and would become a great inspiration to others who are infirmed. Mr. Haddad has served as an instructor of the blind, as well as deacon in a local Baptist Church.
In a town near West Imphal, India, we had the privilege of working with Dr. David Wijunimai of the Chil Chil Baptist Church. Pastor Wijunimai has an unbelievable vision for reaching his surrounding visions with gospel. In addition to having a a large church that wins multitude to Christ yearly, he has a Bible College with 200 students, a grade school with 1,200 pupils, an orphanage with 100 homeless children, a widows house with some 60 elderly women, and a missions program that currently helps 13 new works in the region. Dr. Wijunimai is a pioneer. We had the joy of being there for the second consecutive year, and have great plans of partnership for the future.
25 Days of Irreplaceable Souls
In these 25 days we were honored to preach to thousands and see hundreds make open decisions to receive Christ. It is hard to fathom why God continues to use our ministry to see souls saved, We are not all we could be for Him and we have nothing of ourselves for which to glory. On this recent trip, we simply travelled and preached, and travelled and preached again, and travelled and preached again. For the 25 days we were able to see God saved 3,412 souls, even if they were not Africans!