ANOM African Team leaves Monday, February 1st for a two month and seven country evangelistic outreach. We will begin in Nigeria and work our way west through Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, and finally The Gambia. We will be in 16 separate churches, and villages, prisons, schools, and open markets. Brother Dave Douglass will remain in the fishing village of Makoko, Nigeria, as we establish the Calvary Baptist Church and Christian Academy. My brother, Chris will be preaching on two islands off the coast of Guinea. We will be ministering to two of the least evangelized tribes of West Africa, the Susu and Wolof. Pray that God will use us as we go into Conakry, Bissau, Banjul, and Dakar, some of the largest Islamic cities in West Africa. Our goal is to see 20,000 people come to Christ during these 2 months. Chris will be remaining in Nigeria after my return to the U.S. and be helping to reorganize the church that I planted in 1996 in Abeokuta. During this same time Brother Douglass will be preaching in Lagos and continuing his work in Makoko. The harvest is plenteous!